You know what drives me crazy??
I get so annoyed when I go to mail a card I've made and I can't find an envelope to fit!
I get so annoyed when I go to mail a card I've made and I can't find an envelope to fit!
I try to make standard sized cards, but I am always running out of standard sized envelopes.
You now what I do have a ton of though??
I do have tons of these ugly legal-sized envelopes!
These legal-sized envelopes measure about
4 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches tall.
And now I think I will make cards to fit these envelopes!!
4 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches tall.
And now I think I will make cards to fit these envelopes!!
To make a card to fit, I cut a piece of black cardstock
8 inches wide x 9 inches tall.
Then I folded it in half to make a card measuring
4 inches wide x 9 inches tall.
4 inches wide x 9 inches tall.
Then I pulled out my Study Hall kit to decorate the front of the card.
When I am done, I have a pretty card that fits perfectly into
my legal-sized envelope!
my legal-sized envelope!